
Saturday, April 18, 2015

8 KM TT RESULTS - Apr.16

First Time Trial is in the books.

The 8km TT in St. Andrews was a hit! 

We started at the school with seven riders and met another two at the start line who planned to include the TT as part of their ride....Woohoo good job guys!!

The road was clear and the wind was not sure if it wanted to push from the back or the side. 

It was nice to see faces new and old come out to this event, hopefully we see you again.

A little note for those who are wondering, you can do a TT on road or TT bike.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Small Ring Road Race

Let the racing begin!!!!

The first race of 2015 is now out of the way! For those who attended it was nice to meet some news faces who have returned.

It was probably the windiest race that i have ever been in. The wind gust would almost blow you right over. The temperature was a little on the frigid to start. I fell of the back early, so i can't report on the action up front, but i assume there was many leader changes and a sprint to the end!

Race results-

Marc Dubuc 1st
Chris Belair 2nd
Tom Leroux 3rd
Matt Beaudette
Cory Reggentin
Scott Bourgon
Dale Witty

Sunday, April 5, 2015


The time has come to pump up those tires and get on the road!

Spin class has ended....WOOHOO!!!

There has been few nice days and reports of members taking advantage of this, don't get left behind,
Get outside and RIDE your bike.

Remember to sign up for the 2015 Riding season and print off a Schedule for the fridge!